This is a 2 part video I created to show step-by-step exploit creation for a simple TCP server. The second video is linked into an annotation at the end of the first video.  Check it out and subscribe if you like it!

Up and Coming

Posted: September 14, 2010 in General Annoucement

Hello and welcome to Citadel Labs blog page. We are an up and coming company focusing primarily on IT security. We will be working on other projects as well including mobile application development and technical integration for small/large scale business solutions. We will share as much information as possible (non-proprietary, of course) to the community so please follow the blog for updates on problems and solutions we might come across. We  always welcome feedback so please feel free to post comments at will.

If you are playing around with Google Maps API within the emulator you might be wondering how the hell do I get the GPS to work… Well, it is rather simple actually! The emulator runs with a console port open that you can connect to via telnet. OMG! open ports from an emulator!!!!!! Just go into your firewall and block external traffic to the open port (namely 5554 unless you changed it). Okay, so now that the disaster has been averted let us continue.

To connect to your emulator’s console use: telnet localhost 5554/(your port)

If you had the emulator up and running before you performed the telnet command you would see something like this:

Telnet to Android Emulator Console

Alright, now that you are connected start up Google Maps on the emulator and throw a command at the console. Try geo fix -90.0418579 35.1550375

Geo Fix Command to Android Emulator Console

Now that the command has been submitted to the console you should see a big OK come back and something should have happened on the emulator. If you do maps development like I do you have real problem having to type/paste geo fix blah blah blah every time you want to update the emulator GPS location which is pretty much every time you re-roll the APK and publish to the emulator…. Below is a Perl script that will perform all this for you. With simple modifications you can even force it to accept command line arguments or whatever else fits your fancy.


use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::Telnet;

my $telnet = new Net::Telnet(Timeout => 10);

print “Opening telnet connection to localhost:5554…\n”;
$telnet->open(Host => ‘localhost’,
Port => 5554);


print “Performing geo fix…\n”;
my $output = $telnet->cmd(“geo fix -89.785842 35.165494”); # <– Make Long/Lat mods here (long first, lat second)

if ($telnet->errmsg() eq ‘command timed-out’) {
print “All is well, geo fix performed…\n”;
} else {
print “Something messed up…\n\tERROR: ” . $telnet->errmsg() . “\n”;

print “Closing telnet connection…\n”;


Automated Geo Fix Perl Script

Thanks again for reading and always remember to satisfy your geek!